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“Royal Ball”

The Royal Ball is an exquisite party in the style of the classical Vienna Ball, where you will get acquainted with the elements of classical ballroom dancing and will be able to dance random slow compositions accompanied by live music - a military chamber orchestra.
This is a good opportunity to make a secular outing: make an elegant hairstyle, dress in an evening dress and suit with a tie, shine and enjoy being involved in a unique event.In the program of the evening:
-the best dance music compositions from world balls;
-selection and awarding of the best pairs of points in nominations;
- many dances, graces, beauty and holiday atmosphere;
-performances of artists;
-sparkling wine.
We invite everyone to the secular event of our city! Immerse yourself in a royal fairy tale with us!


Заріччя Радянська вул, 5, Заріччя, Zarichchya, Волинська область, Ukraine

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